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Several isolated marattialean synangia and sporangia are reported from coal balls collected from Coal Seam No.1 (C605) in the uppermost Permian Wangjiazhai Formation in Guizhou Province, south-western China. The synangia are radially symmetrical with diameters between 0.8 and 1.2 mm and are 1.7 mm long, consisting of 3–4 elongate sporangia that are fused basally, free distally and possess a pointed apex. The outer-facing sporangial wall is 4–5 cells thick and conspicuously differentiated. Spores are trilete, have a granular ornamentation and are nearly round equatorially with a diameter of 55–60 µm. Comparisons with other anatomically preserved Palaeozoic marattialean synangia from the Euramerican and Cathaysian floras permit their assignment to the genus of Scolecopteris (Zenker) Millay. In this species the thick, outer-facing sporangial walls and large trilete spores are features consistent with those of the Oliveri Group within Scolecopteris , a group that has previously been considered primitive within this genus. Distinctions from all other previously recognized species within the Oliveri Group lead to the creation of a new species, S. guizhouensis sp. nov. This species is the youngest of the reported species of Scolecopteris recognized from the Euramerican and Cathaysian floras, and provides important evidence on the organization of marattialean ferns from the Upper Permian strata of south China.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 279–288.  相似文献   
本文描述了发现于福建的冬青科冬青属2新种——泰宁冬青Ilex tainingensis G. S. He和南平冬青I. nanpingensis G. S. He,并分别说明两者与其他近缘种的区别要点。泰宁冬青与太平山冬青I. sugerokii Maxim.的区别在于前种小枝被毛,无棱槽,叶片宽卵圆形,花淡紫色,分核表面具细条纹,背后中部有一凹槽。南平冬青与拟榕叶冬青I. subficoidea S. Y. Hu区别在于前种果为椭圆形,较大,表面光滑无腺点,果梗长于1 cm,每分核上端有2尖角,均可以区别。  相似文献   
生态风险预警等级评估和演化趋势模拟,可为生态风险管理提供可靠的辅助决策。以重庆市为研究对象,基于驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应模型,构建重庆市生态风险预警指标体系,采用正态云模型和集对分析法,定量分析重庆市生态风险时空分异特征和演化趋势。研究结果表明:(1)2013-2019年,重庆市生态风险值呈"上升-下降"的波动趋势,综合生态风险隶属于重警等级,生态风险综合值从0.295下降到0.278,生态环境逐年好转;(2)重庆市生态风险有下降、不变、先上升后降低、先降低后上升以及一直升高5种演化趋势,分别占比39%、16%、5%、21%、24%;(3)重庆市生态风险转移分为两个方向,2013-2016年生态风险空间分异性增大,中警、轻警和无警风险等级不断向东北、东南和西部四周分散转移;2016-2019年生态风险分布格局变化较小,重警风险区在东部聚集;(4)演化趋势模拟结果表明,未来重庆市生态风险降低的区县有13个,占比34%,生态环境有向好发展的趋势;生态风险上升的区县有25个,占比66%,生态环境会有所恶化,但是恶化程度较低。将生态风险等级划分与预警演化趋势相结合,能为城市生态风险管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
高寒草甸是青藏高原的主体植被类型,但退化态势较为严峻,严重威胁青藏高原生态屏障的战略地位。退化高寒草甸的复健是世界性难题,治理效果也因退化状态、恢复措施及气候环境而异。以春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育及翻耕改建等典型多途径恢复措施下的退化高寒草甸为对象,系统探讨主要生态要素和生态功能的响应特征及潜在过程。结果表明,典型恢复措施下退化高寒草甸的植被生产力、土壤有机碳密度及土壤饱和持水量等生态要素都得到一定程度的提升,而恢复效果与实施年限及恢复措施密切相关。围栏封育和翻耕改建下土壤有机碳密度及饱和持水量随恢复年限均表现为对数饱和型的响应特征,退化高寒草甸固碳持水功能的基本恢复年限约为6—10年。春季休牧、秋季休牧、畜群结构优化、减畜轮牧、围栏封育等放牧管理恢复措施应适用于轻度退化至重度退化的高寒草甸,而翻耕改建则是极度退化高寒草甸的适宜治理措施。由于多途径恢复措施的关注目标不同,今后研究应集中在恢复措施的组合优化和综合评价等方面。  相似文献   
红铃虫性诱剂开口纤维剂型及其在棉田中的竞争引诱作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hummel等1973年鉴定了红铃虫的性外激素是顺,顺-和顺,反-7,11-十六碳二烯-1-醇醋酸酯的复合物,并命名为“红铃虫性诱剂”(简称“Gossyplure”)。Biel等1974年用触角电图和大田诱捕试验,证明当两种异构体的配比为1∶1时效果最好。为延长性诱剂在大田中的有效期,研究工作者曾设计了多种释放器和可控缓释剂型。Shorey等1976年用铝圆筒包上尼龙纱作为释放器,红铃虫性诱剂的释放量为每晚5毫克/公顷,全年用量为9克/公顷。Gaston等1977年用内径0.22毫米、外径0.45毫米、长104毫米,一端开口一端封闭的塑料空心纤维,绕成直径22毫米的环作释放器,每次用量6.6克/公顷,全年用33克/公顷。Boncss等1977和1978年用聚乙烯盖作释放器,每次用量5克/公顷,胶囊剂  相似文献   
Cyclic AMP content in embryonic chick pelvic cartilage increases significantly as the embryo ages from 8 to 10 d. This in ovo elevation in cyclic AMP content precedes maximal cartilage alkaline phosphatase activity by some 24 h. We studied whether this temporal relationship may be causally related, using an in vitro organ culture. Incubation of pelvic cartilage from 9- and 10-d embryos in medium containing monobutyryl cyclic AMP (BtcAMP) resulted in significant increases in alkaline phosphatase activity (220 and 66 percent, respectively) as compared to that of cartilages incubated in medium alone. This stimulation was both concentration- and time-dependent with maximal response at 0.5 mM BtcAMP and 4-h incubation, respectively. Similar incubations of cartilage in medium containing 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine (MIX), 0.25 mM, also resulted in increased alkaline phosphatase activity (114 percent). However, pelvic cartilage from 11-d embryos incubated in medium containing BtcAMP or MIX showed no increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. We postulated that developmental age was the factor responsible for this difference in response and that immature cartilage (that with little or no alkaline phosphatase activity) would respond to BtcAMP whereas mature cartilage (that with significant alkaline phosphatase activity) would not. This was tested by incubating end sections of 11-d cartilage, which have little alkaline phosphatase activity, and center sections, which have significantly alkaline phosphatase activity, with both BtcAMP and MIX. Alkaline phosphatase activity in end sections (immature cartilage) was stimulated by BtcAMP and MIX, whereas it was not stimulated in the center sections. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide inhibited BtcAMP and MIX stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Thus, the in vitro data suggest that cyclic AMP is a mediator for the stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity in embryonic cartilage.  相似文献   
实验在62只家兔上进行。结果观察到,中缝大核(NRM)区562个单位中,有118个单位的自发放电频率低,放电比较规则,动作电位时程长,易被微电泳5-羟色胺所阻遏,称为A 组单位。其余444个单位的自发放电频率高,动作电位时程短,称为B 组单位。大多数 B组单位对微电泳5-羟色胺不起反应。脑桥臂旁内侧核(NPBM)区微量注射吗啡(200μg/2μl)或静脉注射吗啡(3mg/kg)后,20个A 组单位中有19个发生兴奋效应,而49个B 组单位中仅有29个发生兴奋效应,而且A组单位发生兴奋的程度也比B组单位的高。这些结果提示,NRM区的A 组单位可能是5-羟色胺神经元,吗啡对这些神经元有相对选择性的兴奋作用。 在另外11只家兔上,应用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪技术观察到,NPBM 区与NRM 区有纤维联系。 本实验结果提示,静脉注射吗啡所致的呼吸抑制,可能与吗啡作用于 NPBM,通过纤维联系,引起NRM 5-羟色胺神经元兴奋有关。  相似文献   
以人视觉诱发电位(VEP)反应为指标,在不同的时间频率下测定了 VEP 对方波光栅刺激的反应幅度与光栅方位的关系。当光栅方位固定时,光栅闪烁的时间频率不同,VEP 反应的波形、潜伏期和反应频率差别很大,但其反应幅度均呈现方位选择性。当光栅的时间频率为9.1Hz时,光栅为垂直和水平方位时引起的 VEP 反应幅度比倾斜方位时都大,对任何光栅方位,VEP反应幅度与光栅对比度的对数呈线性关系;与此相反,当光栅时间频率为0.4Hz 时,光栅为倾斜方位时引起的 VEP 反应幅度比垂直和水平方位时更大。  相似文献   
实验在33只浅麻醉、肌肉麻痹、人工呼吸及切断双侧颈迷走神经的家兔上进行。观察中缝大核区电解损毁或微量注射利多卡因对呼吸活动及臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡所致呼吸抑制效应的影响。结果是:电解损毀中缝大核区,使呼吸频率增加,膈神经放电的幅度和频率均无明显变化,而臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡抑制呼吸的程度减轻;中缝大核区微量注射利多卡因,则部分消除臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡的呼吸抑制效应。中缝大核旁网状结构电解损毁或微量注射利多卡因,不影响吗啡的呼吸抑制效应。上述结果提示,中缝大核区可能在脑桥臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡抑制呼吸的机制中起一定作用。  相似文献   
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